Label: "Rejoice & enjoy the fruits of our labour & be thankful that the Earth provides - Choicest hopped classic English ale."
Brewery: Wadworth
ABV: 5.5%
Rating: First brewed to celebrate the inauguration of George Reindorp as Bishop of Salisbury, this Wiltshire Strong Ale has a full flavour which is well balanced with hop bitterness for a clean finish.
Game: Two hundredth post today! To celebrate here's a list of the forthcoming games on my "must buy" list. Time to get the pre-orders in...
Gears of War 3 - 20/09/11 Rise of Nightmares - 30/09/11 Batman: Arkham City - 21/10/11 Silent Hill: Downpour - 28/10/11 Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim - 11/11/11 | Assassins Creed Revelations - 15/11/11 Mass Effect 3 - 09/03/12 Aliens: Colonial Marines - 30/03/12 Kinect: Star Wars - ??/??/?? I Am Alive - ??/??/?? |