Thursday 13 June 2013

Premium Pale Ale (Bass)

Premium Pale Ale (Bass)
Name: Premium Pale Ale
Label: "Brewed in Britain since 18th Century - 1777 marked the birth of Bass when William Bass moved to Burton on Trent and purchased his brewhouse - Trademark No.1"
Brewery: Bass
ABV: 4.4%

Rating: "In 1876 the distinctive Bass triangle was a key iconic symbol of the first trademark to be registered in the UK. Brewed in Great Britain since the 18th century, Bass Ale is richly fragrant, has a wonderful hoppy bouquet and a bright chestnut hue." The word Bass always reminds me of Sega Bass Fishing on the Dreamcast, a game and console that I never owned but always used to look at. This randomly makes the beer even better rated because of this entirely tenuous link to gaming.

Game: So after E3 I'm entirely confused and conflicted about which next-gen console to get.  As a self-confessed Xbox fanboy, the thought of moving over to the dark side is scary. But PS4 is cheaper, doesn't always need to be connected to the internet and has no second hand games / trade restrictions. It makes for a compelling argument to switch console camps indeed.  But damn, XBO exclusive Ryse looked awesome...

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