Thursday 10 March 2016

Old Engine Oil (Harviestoun)

Old Engine Oil (Harviestoun)
Name: Old Engine Oil
Label: "Rich - Bittersweet - Viscous- Black ale - Crafted with a twist"
Brewery: Harviestoun
ABV: 6.0%

Tasting notes: "Legend has it that Old Engine Oil was dedicated to our Head Brewer's love of classic cars. But it's the thick, dark, chocolatey viscosity that reveals the real inspiration behind the name. We use loads of roasted malt to give it a rich black colour and plenty of oats to give it a wonderful, velvety mouthfeel. It's just the job for anyone who appreciates beautifully engineered stuff that used to be made properly. So undo the top button of your pressed pit overalls, ease into the wingback and roll out a rare taste of a truly great British beer. Welcome to the Owners' Club"

Game: Just read something about No Man's Sky that brags of over '18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (18 quintillion) planets to explore...'. Now I don't mean to by cynical, but the cynic in me suggests that this will probably include a desert planet, a watery planet, a foresty planet, a snowy planet and 18 quintillion combinations of these. Strikes me as quite boring and/or pointless, or at least potentially one of the most difficult achievements ever. Plus there's no such thing as that number, it's impossible to have a number that big. And even if such a number existed, there's no way they could have counted all the planets. I quite like the idea of owning my own planet though if that's a thing within the game?

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