Sunday, 12 August 2018

Golden Host (Jennings)

Golden Host (Jennings)
Name: Golden Host
Label: "A deep golden beer with a hint of spice & toffee"
Brewery: Jennings Brewery
ABV: 4.2%

Tasting notes: "A full flavoured golden bitter brewed using the finest English malted barley and carefully selected aromatic hops. A generous handfull of crystal malts has been added to give a delicate flavour & subtle aroma."

Game: New(ish) to Xbox Game Pass, Ruiner.  This Cyberpunky, Blade Runnery top down twin stick shootery game has brilliant aesthetics and design but a punishing difficulty level. Deep weapon and ability skill trees and a great looking city-hub area make for an intriguing experience potential RUINED by an insane difficulty spike after the first mission. We shall try to persevere with this but first, let's knock that difficulty level down a bit...

6.5/10 - score to be revisited possibly

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