Sunday, 27 January 2013

Moondance (Triple FFF)

Moondance (Triple FFF)
Name: Moondance
Label: "Best Bitter - Bottle conditioned beer - contains sediment - pour carefully"
Brewery: Tiple FFF Brewery
ABV: 3.8%

Rating: Great beer but why all the angry sounding instructions on the bottle label?  Examples; "Pour carefully", "DRINK AWARE", "WARNING: contains malted barley", "PLEASE RECYCLE THIS BOTTLE". I've never seen anything like it, the label designer went CAPS LOCK MAD!

Game: Finally finished Game of Thrones. Didn't realise it was going to be such an epic. An achievement for losing the final battle was also a pleasant surprise.  Having to skip through the 'loser' ending got really tiresome though after getting beaten several times (slow learner)... so you can keep your stupid achievement actually, you crazy game!

Admittedly, it's not the greatest game ever made but if you're an RPG fanatic or have even a passing interest in Game of Thrones then this is definitely worth a look. Otherwise there are a lot of similar, technically superior titles out there that should really be your first choice.


Unknown said...

Silliness indeed, DRINK AWARE's not like it could be mistaken for a bottle of ketchup..

Congratulations on finishing another game, there should be an achievement for that tooo....

GamingAles said...

Alcoholic ketchup... now there's an idea! Mr Elderly get that patented... quick!

Unknown said...

...apparently Heinz have the patent.. something about disitlled spirit vinegar leaving traces of alcohol in their ketchup...

...damn we could have made a fortune..
