Sunday 4 January 2015

Snowmans Meltown (Staffordshire Brewery)

Snowmans Meltown (Staffordshire Brewery)
Name: Snowmans Meltown
Label: "Don't meltdown, sit down with a beer"
Brewery: Staffordshire Brewery
ABV: 4.5%

Rating: "A smooth dark stout - Made with loving care - just like our beer. So sad when it's all gone. I know, buy some more."  Fittingly the last of the snow has melted today!

Game: Today the Christmas decorations have come down but the games are... er... still up!  Hooray for games, they last all year round!  It's like Christmas everyday when you're a gamer.  2015 looks set to be mega game awesome time too! A couple of games I'm really excited about and their respective release dates direct from the slavering spittle-laden Bandai Namco mouth: Dark Souls II (3 April) and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (19 May). Bring these dates to me now!

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