Saturday 28 November 2009

Rosey Nosey (Batemans)

Name: Rosey NoseyRosey Nosey
Label: "Independent since 1874"
Brewery: Batemans
ABV: 4.9%

Rating: Its got Santa on the label so it's ace. If you don't like Christmas for no good reason then you suck. If you want, send reasons for not liking Christmas to me so I can judge whether you suck or not.  Some responses:
1. "My Grandad died on Christmas morning". Judgment - you don't suck. Your Grandad sucks for dying at Christmas and spoiling it for everyone else. 
2. "I hate all the expensive Christmas shopping, the Christmas songs and trying to find a parking space". Judgement - you totally suck. Stop being such a tight arse, everyone is abit poorer at the moment not just whingey you, enjoy the music, you only hear it once a year rather than the normal sh*t you listen to everyday, get to the shops earlier so you can find a car parking space.

Game: After the slightly violent previous post this post focuses on other, non-violent, aspects of Assassin's Creed 2.  Erm... it looks fantastic, superb musical score and sound effects, it's got horses in it and some eagles.

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