Monday, 1 October 2012

Ghost Ship (Adnams)

Ghost Ship (Adnams)
Name: Ghost Ship
Label: "A ghostly pale ale"
Brewery: Adnams
ABV: 4.5%

Rating: "Suffolk's shore is littered with the eerie wrecks of smuggling ships, the ghost town of Dunwich and endless haunting tales. It was this colourful history that inspired Adnams Ghost Ship. This ghostly pale ale has good assertive pithy bitterness with a malty backbone and a lemon and lime aroma." Another scarily good ale from the Adnams family!

Game: Ok so this year I was a total Expo virgin. But after Eurogamer Expo 2012 I'm hooked, so much so I'm already planning for the trip to Eurogamer 2013! Below is my survival guide (for me to read back to myself as 2013's Expo approaches):

1. Don't get anxious about the travel. It's easy, don't be such a chicken. Book the train in advance so it's cheap, including a ticket for the Underground that covers Zone 1. All your travel covered on one handy ticket - just don't lose it!

2. Be prepared to queue up for stuff as it's mega busy. For some reason I was reluctant to spend time queuing up so missed out on some things. There's nothing wrong with queuing up for an hour, you're there for 8 or 9 hours at least!

3. Don't be scared of spoilers. I missed out on quite a few games because I didn't want to spoil them as I have them on pre-order. At the time this seemed perfectly logical. With hindsight it's completely ridiculous.

4. Pre-arrange to meet up with people. I wanted to meet up with some Twitter folk even though I'm not the most sociable person and it probably would have been well awkward at first. Mobile and 3G reception in the venue was rubbish. Man up and meet outside.

5. Take a colostomy bag. The toilets are grim. I pity the poor soul who was tasked with hosing them down after the event.

Point 5 is optional. The above might sound like I had a rubbish time. I didn't, it was ace. I just want next year to be even acer!


Unknown said...

Neat! Excellent tips because like you I do hate queuing, and I wouldn't and now I know I should... Which I will... :)

...if that makes any sense...

GamingAles said...

Glad someone else found it useful lol.

A thousand, nay a million, thanks for the retweet!!!!!

Unknown said...

Most Welcome :)

(elderly bows... hits coffee table...passes out...)